PPI long-time employees recognized in annual confab
On its 53rd founding anniversary last May, the Philippine Press Institute, also known as the national association of newspapers, recognized...
Upholding the truth to fight falsehood
PPI enjoins students to beat the scourge of fake news By Tess Bacalla They came in large numbers, some having...
For PPI partners, a celebration of kinship
For PPI partners, a celebration of kinship By Tess Bacalla For partners of the Philippine Press Institute (PPI), the print...
PPI announces winners of 2016 Civic Journalism Awards
The Philippine Press Institute (PPI) closed its 21st National Press Forum by announcing the winners of the 2016 Civic Journalism...
Probe issues, ditch superficial coverage of ASEAN — Myanmar journalist
The media must strive to bring more substantive stories to their audiences on issues affecting the Association of Southeast Asian...
PPI’s keynote speaker highlights media’s role in promoting awareness of ASEAN
PPI's keynote speaker highlighs media's role in promoting awareness of ASEAN By Tess Bacalla Despite its perceived weaknesses and differences...
Dureza calls on media to help advance peace
Amid the raging tension in Marawi City, presidential peace advisor on the peace process Jesus G. Dureza highlighted the role...
PPI elects new set of officers
Marking its 53rd anniversary as the country’s premier association of newspapers, the Philippine Press Institute (PPI) elected a new board...
ASEAN takes the spotlight in PPI’s 21st National Press Forum
14 newspapers vie for civic journ awards Now on its 53rd year as the country’s national association of newspapers, the...
PCS joins PPI, NAC campaign to stop fake news
The board of directors of the Philippines Communication Society (PCS) participates in the covenant signing led by trainers Tess Bacalla...